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Do Salaried Employees Get Overtime Pay?
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April 2021

Do Salaried Employees Get Overtime Pay?

By Employment Law

YES.  It does not matter how you are paid, be it hourly, or salary paid weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, you are by default entitled to overtime pay under Part VIII of the Employment Standards Act (“ESA”). You would also be entitled to premium pay and public holiday pay.  Being paid via salary has many advantages. There are likely no longer issues of scheduling shifts and not knowing how much each paycheck will be. Salary also carries an implicit degree of job security, as the employer is committing to a longer-term relationship.  However, some employees have the critical misconception that they…

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Just Been Terminated – 3 Simple Things to Remember

By Employment Law

Being terminated is a terrifying process. In the words of the former Chief Justice Dickson of the Supreme Court of Canada in 1987, Work is one of the most fundamental aspects in a person’s life, providing the individual with a means of financial support and, as importantly, a contributory role in society. A person’s employment is an essential component of his or her sense of identity, self‑worth and emotional well‑being. Your livelihood, your daily routine, and your plans for the future are all tied up in work. At least some of your self-worth or self-identity will vanish when you’re terminated….

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What is Legal Advice, and is an Elephant a Tree, a Snake or a Spear?

By Employment Law

When people call our firm, they will have something particular on their minds. Usually, it is a recent termination or other workplace issues. Why else call a law firm in Hamilton, Ontario? We are not known for our 5-star meals or wide array of garden furniture.  Many people will look at their situation and narrow what they want to know down to a single question. Often that question is, “Is my termination package fair?” It will then be understandably frustrating when a lawyer will not answer that simple question, which the caller feels has a one-word answer. Why can’t a…

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Signing Deals with the Devil – Employment Contracts and You

By Employment Law

A common trope in popular culture is the deal with the devil, where a person signs away their soul for something. The usual result is that the devil tricks them, and the promised reward is not what they were expecting or had agreed to.  This would not be enforceable in Canada, and a client could sue for their soul back, performance of the contract so what they thought they were getting is delivered, or monetary damages for the loss of their soul and failure to receive what was agreed to, or combinations of the above.  A large reason this trope…

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9 Do’s and Don’ts of Employment Law

By Employment Law

1. Do actually read before signing. In our modern lives, we are presented with a lot of legal documents we must agree to for services. This unfortunately has led to a pattern of just hitting accept on a two-hundred-page End Use License Agreement. A contract of employment, which includes any documents you sign relating to your job no matter the title, should not be two-hundred pages. If after reading it, you have questions, ask a lawyer to go over the contract with you. Think of it as an insurance policy. [If your future employer o1bjects to you having a lawyer…

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