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The Duty to Mitigate After You Lost Your Job: What Does That Mean?
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May 2024

The Duty to Mitigate After You Lost Your Job: What Does That Mean?

By Employment Law

So, you’ve been terminated from your job. You might be focusing on challenging your employer for more money, and rightly so. They caused this by firing you! Your job search is probably the last thing you would think about. However, after you have been terminated, one of the first things a lawyer will tell you is that you are under an obligation to mitigate the losses from the termination. What does mitigating your losses mean? In short, you cannot get money from your former employer if you made the problem worse. For example, if your apartment catches fire, you are…

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Work Sucks, but Should I Complain?

By Employment Law

Simple answer: Yes. “My work used to be fine, but then I got a new manager…” is a situation that we as employment lawyers encounter so often that it is practically a trope. An employee may have worked for years or even decades in the same role without issue, only to have the company assign a new manager who quickly destroys the existing relationship. It may be because the manager is seeking to ‘prove themselves’ by having some metric increase, is attempting to assert petty dominance, or simply because the new manager should not be managing people at all. Whatever…

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But the Severance Pay Calculator said I was ONLY entitled to 12 Month’s Pay.

By Employment Law

The main concern for a recently terminated employee is often how much they are entitled to. As with most things, people turn to the internet, look at the top search results (or a few), and form a basic idea about their entitlements. Online tools such as Severance Pay Calculators can be useful as a starting point, but as they all prominently state in one way or another, “This is not legal advice. Speak to a lawyer.” Most terminated employees understand this and then contact an employment law firm for a (often free) consultation for legal advice. The main reason for…

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